Bitcoin/Litecoin CGMiner Settings

I wanted to list what hardware I am using to solo mine scrypt based coins and the cgminer settings I am using. All the settings I am listing run 100% stable and don’t generate any hardware errors. I am also NOT software overclocking anything, since I can’t seem to software overclock ANYTHING. I tried for hours to software overclock all my cards, and nothing would work, so I gave up! This is frustrating since everyone online makes it seem easy as hell to do it, but no matter what I would use or try to do, nothing. However, I did manage to overclock one card, via firmware flash, and it was my HD5830. It has been awhile so I forgot what the stock clock/memory frequencies were, but currently I have the GPU set to 875MHz and the memory set to 1200 MHz. So if you have that card, you will not get the same hashing speed with the cgminer settings for that card that I have listed below.

So moving on,  you will see I have a random mix of hardware, since I just found Radeons that were used and cheap in the area. The wife wasn’t going to let me spend thousands on new mining hardware, plus I didn’t want too either, since I always miss the gravy train on stuff like this. I basically always find out about this kind of money making stuff AFTER everyone else has made the money that was going to be made, and I end up forking out money to just scrounge for the scraps. Not this time! Haha. Well here is what I got and the cgminer settings…

3x PowerColor R9 270X = ~418 k/hash each (~1.25 M/hash total)
--thread-concurrency 15232
--lookup-gap 2
-I 19
-g 1
-w 256

PowerColor HD 7790 = ~190 k/hash
--thread-concurrency 8000
--lookup-gap 2
-I 18
-g 1
-w 128

Sapphire HD 7770 = ~175 k/hash
--thread-concurrency 8000
--lookup-gap 2
-I 18
-g 1
-w 128

XFX HD 7850 = ~300 k/hash
--thread-concurrency 8192
--lookup-gap 2
-I 17
-g 1
-w 256

GigaByte HD 6950 = ~434 k/hash
--thread-concurrency 6144
--lookup-gap 2
-I 19
-g 1
-w 256

Sapphire HD 5830 = ~218 k/hash
--thread-concurrency 6144
--lookup-gap 2
-I 19
-g 1
-w 256

Sapphire HD 6850 = ~290 k/hash
--thread-concurrency 6144
--lookup-gap 2
-I 19
-g 1
-w 256

TOTAL HASH = ~ 2.8 M/hash

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